Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day Two - Anastasia

Okay, so today was our second day in New Orleans doing some work around the city. Today I decided to actually stay close to United Saints and go to their church service in the early afternoon and stay to help cook dinner. All I can say is that i'm so glad I decided to stay close instead of going to a different worksite.

First of all the church service was something i've never experienced before. The meaning behind everything the same but the one thing that stuck with me was the way everyone was so friendly. People were making an effort to say hello, and thank us for coming to the church. The pastor even had us introduce ourselves and as I was leaving I thanked her and was saying goodbye, when she looked at me and went "I want to say your Anastasia" I was shocked. She met like 25 new people and she looked at me once, maybe twice and remembered my name.

The second high point of my day was while I was supposted to be helping with dinner. Due to the kitchen being small only a few people were needed. So, I stayed outside in the nice weather and was hanging out with other NOLA kids, and watching them play basketball. When one boy, who was 8 years old named Sean came over and started to play basketball with us. One thing about me is that i'm an AWFUL basketball player. But, I played some basketball with Sean, even some one on one and he was having a blast. I mean, this boy was maybe an inch shorter than me so I think he was also getting a kick out of being able to easily shoot on me. But, he eventually just looked at me and said "Hey! Mini Me!" I was confused and realized he was talking about me. I just laughed and ended up getting a new nickname from him. I still have no idea if he actually knows my name, but, I'm now his Mini Me. I just hope he comes by again throughout this week since I really enjoyed hanging out with Sean, and being his friend, Mini Me.

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