Monday, April 16, 2012

Today was our first official work day. The first day that we went out with the United Saints and worked on job sites. I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive. I wasn't sure of the type of work we would be doing, but I was excited nonetheless. I ended up working at a Day Care painting murals on the walls, a job that was absolutely perfect for me.
Walking in, I was immediately struck by how beautiful it already was. Streetposts labeled with the major New Orleans streets, depictions of the trollies that transport the New Orleans people, and beloved children's book characters (such as the Lorax and Cat in the Hat) filled the walls with color and culture. Above everything else I've absorbed from this city stands the culture.
It is not simply that amazing murals fill any and all canvasses (seriously, this city takes graffitti to a whole new level), but the culture within the people of the city. Everyone is happy, and will go out of their way to make sure that you're happy, too.
One event that has stuck with me for a while now happened yesterday. I was walking down with a group to Smoothie King, passing by all sorts of people. One man, carrying a newspaper and clearly on his way somewhere, paused when he was about to pass me, and stretched out his hand. He asked me how I was doing. The way this man I had never met before took time out of his day to brighten mine still remains in the back of my mind, and will surely come home with me.
-Rachel Dows

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